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Our history

Moletto di Ardenza has a long history of people who love the sea of Livorno

Moletto di Ardenza was built between 1973 and 1974, 

but its history dates back to 1930 when a small group of fishermen found shelter for their boats in this stretch of coast. 

In the inlet the water level at the time was just a few centimeters, with the clayey bottom that rose in the center a few tens of meters from the ground, where you could find earthworms and crabs: ideal to use as bait


The origins

The construction of the piers dates back to the Fascist period but were later rebuilt after the demolition with mines carried out by the German troops in 1943. The walkways were originally on wooden poles that were torn up and rebuilt patiently by the local visitors at the first libecciata. Over time, the number of moored boats increased and it was necessary to have a better organization of the spaces, where everyone gave his contribution to manage the various activities typical of a small landing place.

A small shack served as a tool shed and a place to shelter from a sudden storm. The current concrete floor where the Circolo del Moletto di Ardenza headquarters stands was a self-financed work where everyone had a task: who was in charge of raising funds (a real collection among the shops in the neighborhood), who was in charge of to negotiate the cost of the cement, those of the search for the filling rubble and finally those who worked on the spot as a bricklayer. The problem of the shallow seabed was solved with dredging, also overcoming the obstacle of a rock that was located in the center of the inlet and which was demolished with a cylinder on the beat. The remains of the rocks are still visible in the waters adjacent to the south pier.

Vintage photo

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